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Members Say Their Advisory Councils Grow Trust


  • "Trust builds through confidential unbiased feedback from my Council's members."

  • "Each member of the Council is trusted."

  • "My member experience inspires confidence by eliminating fear of criticism and judgement."

Market-Tested Processes Improve Business Outcomes


  • “I learn from others who have overcome the issues that I'm facing today."

  • "My Council's member feedback improves my decision making."

  • "All members embrace our culture of accountability in pursuit of reaching goals."

  • "We each work on our business, rather than just in the business."

Members Highlight the Role of the Advisory Council's Moderator 


  • “He brings a combination of the soft and firm leadership skills needed to ensure everyone around him can excel;"

  • "My moderator raises questions and shares experiences to help us consider different angles." 

  • "He gently steers our discussion back on-course when we veer off-topic or too deep into the weeds. 

Members Share Specifics From Their Advisory Councils

"A couple ingredients of a successful peer wisdom sharing group are the openness and trust of each member in the group.  It is only through this open sharing, without the fear of criticism, that ideas flow. The members develop honesty among each other, open up on our weaknesses and discover blind spots."
Our moderator David, encourages and fosters trust in the group through establishing a confidential environment and a positive atmosphere in our meeting. As a result, we freely and comfortably share and foster ideas."

 A.P., Texas


"Our meetings are structured and stay on-track. The atmosphere of our group’s discussion enables us to be comfortable and engaged. Once our discussions begin, the moderator lets us do the work, unless our discussion veers off-topic, at which time he gently steers things back on course. We always feel good about being in the room."

S.M., Tennessee

"The members of our group feel heard and our observations valued as we navigate challenges that at times, can be quite personal and sensitive. Our moderator draws on his extensive leadership experience in guiding our group to become a strong team."

 L.H., California 

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